Monday, February 26, 2007

Moving Day, Sorta?

OK, so as much as I would like to say it has been all peaches and cream, it hasn't. But that is alright. We were scheduled to close on Friday and the underwriters held things up, so late Friday they figured it out and we got the final go ahead. Sucks to be down to the wire like this and have that happened, but what can you do?

This is where we are at:

We are waiting on the closing, which is either 3:00 P.M. today or tomorrow morning depending on the mortgage company.

I am praying it will be today because we already giving notice, had to be out of our current town house this weekend.

How did we do this you ask? We rented the biggest Penske truck we could and put everything we own in it. Now it is sitting on the street waiting to be unloaded. We spent the night with our Pastor last night and are now officially homeless till we close. I don't like it, but here again, what can you do right?

Anyway, amidst mental and physical exhaustion I write you this update.

My good friend Sean and I loaded everything up yesterday and we finally finished at about 11:00 P.M.

Keep us in your prayers today and I will let you know if we close today as soon as I know!

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