Tuesday, August 16, 2005

A Body Dies a Spirit Lives

I lost my sister-in-law a week ago and it has all seemed a bit surreal. I moved here to be closer to both her and my brother. Well I know I was following God's will for my life, but I could not help but feel like I missed something? Then it dawned on me in my prayers for her and my brother. Her body is dead, but her spirit is still alive. The Word says that we don't die we just move from one realm to another. I know it is kind of like duh? I hate to say this, but I feel closer to her now than I did when she was alive. In order to put together some photo books for the visitation I was able to go through all the photos in there home and I found out more about Jaclyn and her family then I had from the past three years of visiting and conversation. Then to make it even better, I had the opportunity to meet many of the people from the photos. It was funny cause the more I prayed for her, the more it became a conversation with her. In the end I was speaking to her like I do God and even better I was hearing her speak back through the people who came. I have to say I have never been so proud of anyone since Richard when Nita died than I had my brother this week. He really has been so strong and such an incredible husband. He has been there through all this and loved so unconditionally I can't begin to tell you! If you would keep Darin, Jaclyn and Jaclyn's family in your prayers. Finally, in memory of Jaclyn we are going to run the next The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team In TrainingĂ‚® Nike 26.2 Marathon in Maui. We are going to need to raise money to go and for the society. I am not very good at this stuff so if you would like to send us some greenbacks to help, it would really mean a ton to Darin. Darin ran the marathon in San Francisco in Jaclyn's Honor last year and raised over $27,000 for the Socitey. Go to www.helpjaclyn.com and click on donation to donate.
Bless You!



Anonymous said...

Rachel shared with me when you were making a decision to move, that you needed to be there for Darin and Jaclyn. Everything worked in place for you to be there for your brother. You are a strong, solid shoulder for him to lean on. When is your marathon? Maui, huh? Maybe I could run, too?!

metromom said...

Brian, the cool thing about god's family is that when one hurts we all feel it...because we are just that- a family. It may not take the pain and grief away (because that is all part of the healing process...) but take comfort in knowing that you have family all over the country who are praying for you as well as Darin and the rest of your family. You are definitely not in this alone.