Sunday, December 04, 2005

What makes you happy?

Sometimes, it is simple, sometimes not? But all of us find happiness in certain things. I once heard if your gonna be dumb, you better be tough and if you are gonna be happy, you better make room for friends. Why? Cause dumb people will hurt themselves through stupid actions and funny people are a joy to be around. That said, find your happiness and choose to sorround yourself with it. So, What makes me happy? My wife and boys! And Florida! And My Family! And a nice warm day with the ones I love! A Date! A Convertible! BUT MOST OF ALL ME! I CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY AND GUESS WHAT THERE I AM! GOD LOVE YOU AND CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY! IT WILL BE HONORED! SO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY?


The Mac Fam said...

God makes me happy and b/c of that I am happy with you and our family. I love you!

Anonymous said...

the little things make me mother in law calling just to make sure everything is kids asking for a hug and kiss and wanting cuddle time. Seeing my kids play together and loving every minute of it. But most of all im happy that God loves me and he gave me an amazing husband who is my soul mate and who without life would not be the same. God is also blessing us with a 3rd baby this Friday so im so happy about that.