Monday, July 01, 2019


I heard it said once "that if I could rewind and take back the time" the question is would that really make the difference or impact you would want. I mean yes the old adage of if I knew then what I know now is poignant. The truth is I know as I am at the fifty-year mark of my life I see so many things I would have done differently, but if that would have any impact on where I would be today I would not have wanted to know it! 

The world we live in today has turmoil, and while there is a lot of degradation, there is also a lot more good today. I am sure you have experienced people who say they are afraid for their children and grandchildren's future. I am, not at all for two reasons. The first is I trust God with their future no matter! The second is that the future looks fantastic from my perspective.  I sit here in Silicon Valley and see so many working so hard to advance things and make them better. While I am not a tree hugger, I do accept we must take responsibility for our mark on this world and seeing people live with no carbon footprint is exciting to me! Honestly, if it makes the world a better place, isn't that Biblical any way? We are stewards of this world, so to deny that we have a responsibility to care for it is ignorant. 

Looking back, there are many things in my life I miss, and honestly, they are almost exclusively relationships. Years ago, I would have had a lot more items and places in that list, but age changes your perspective as it should. If it hasn't, then you need to ask yourself why? The truth is there are unfortunately no guarantees in our lives that we will be able to maintain any relationships till death except marriage and even that is not 100%, though I believe it is! Keeping hold of individual relationships is not always healthy. Though comfortable, familiar, and self-affirming, we have to be sure to recognize that being dysfunctional in these relationships does more harm than the good long term. 

I see a significant number of people who engage in long term relationships that continue to destroy their ability to achieve some great things in life. I also have known some people who were able to see their demise well ahead of the train wreck and get off the train. Not maliciously but in a way that honored everyone. Did some people get their feelings hurt, of course, but that is unavoidable at times. I was told once that if you're going to leave, leave well. I agree with that advice, though I don't think it is always possible to do so as I have experienced the hurts and pain that come with broken relationships. It is hard not to want to exact revenge on those that cause us pain. It is human nature to do so. That is not the answer and I don't agree with that as I see it from a Biblical perspective of God seeks to avenge not myself or any of the Marvel Characters. 

Now looking back on fifty years I have to say I have some people who I am connected with that are amazing, and I look to be connected to them for the next fifty! They are men and women who I see will stand for the right things and bring me to accountability when I am not honorable. They are people who will bring me forward, not back, and help me to keep my pride and ego in check. As I see it, Jesus called us to humility and being humble in this life continually growing in a lessor direction not greater. While counterintuitive to the world and the church today, it is His words, not mine, I am not responsible for answering for His words. I am responsible for my actions and as such if I go quietly in the night and the world does not know it I am okay with that as long I know that He will say, "well done my good and faithful servant." 

May you experience the blessings of great relationships in life as I believe they are what is truly important in both the here and the here after! 

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